Every country should have a national dialogue based on the actual lived human reality of its citizens. My continued "rant" is that the American national dialogue has been captured and reduced to a psyop. My hope is, Substack becomes a place for a new American national dialogue.
Thank you for the overview of Mr. Lasch and his work. I am thrilled to encounter someone who recognizes the Psyche as the source of both our misery and the possible cure for our illness. Most Americans are trapped in a game of manipulated good cop/bad cop projection on some nondescript evil "other". Finding someone who can define the cause and effect forces in play is most welcome.
I'll be exploring Mr. Lasch and his work and recommending and subscribing to your site here on Substack. Keep it coming.
Every country should have a national dialogue based on the actual lived human reality of its citizens. My continued "rant" is that the American national dialogue has been captured and reduced to a psyop. My hope is, Substack becomes a place for a new American national dialogue.
Thank you for the overview of Mr. Lasch and his work. I am thrilled to encounter someone who recognizes the Psyche as the source of both our misery and the possible cure for our illness. Most Americans are trapped in a game of manipulated good cop/bad cop projection on some nondescript evil "other". Finding someone who can define the cause and effect forces in play is most welcome.
I'll be exploring Mr. Lasch and his work and recommending and subscribing to your site here on Substack. Keep it coming.
great introduction - thank you very much